The Biggest Risk to Your Cyber Security Is Your Company

The Biggest Risk to Your Cyber Security Is Your Company

Digital security can no longer be ignored by busiensses. Companies and organisations that fail to identify the most common, significant and serious security concerns or threats are far more likely to be targeted by malicious users or suffer a breach. While access to the latest security software and IT services can often play an integral role in developing or implementing a more effective security strategy, complicit employees and users who have been poorly informed or that lack the proper training are often one of the biggest risks.

Understanding the True Cost of a Breach

While concerns like identify theft or having sensitive data or materials stolen or otherwise compromised are not to be taken lightly, businesses fail to fully understand the true long-term cost of a data breach. Even a seemingly minor or harmless breach can easily cause irreparable harm to customer relationships or result in lasting damage to a businesses brand, image or reputation. Suffering any type of digital security issue may create the impression that organisations lack the resources or understanding needed to better protect themselves and those they do business with.

The Most Common and Costly Security Threats

When it comes to envisioning the biggest cyber security risks, computer viruses and hackers are often the first concepts that spring to mind. While malicious applications and unauthorised users who may target a business for whatever reason can pose a very serious threat, the biggest risk to companies is one that often goes overlooked. Unsafe user habits, lax policies or a poor understanding of their current digital infrastructure and operational processes are often the concerns that are more likely to create problems. Businesses who are seeking to improve their level of digital security would be wise to assess the current state of their worker training and educational efforts.

Promoting Safe User Habits

Fostering safer user habits among their staff, employees and associates is perhaps the single most effective way that organisations may be able to enhance their level of digital security. Ensuring that users refrain from downloading unsafe attachments, are less likely to visit malicious sites or elect to make use of more effective passwords in order to protect their accounts and information can be of paramount importance. Failing to identify user habits that could pose a potential risk can often inhibit the effectiveness of other security efforts.

Providing Employees With Adequate Training

With sophisticated operating systems and sleep user interfaces that make it as easy as possible to navigate a digital environment, many businesses often overlook the importance of properly training their staff. From basic computer-literacy skills to the more in-depth and detailed instruction that may be needed in order to safely use the most complex and sophisticated applications, providing all staff and employees with quality training and sufficient education can make quite a difference.

Investing in Digital Security Resources

Firewalls, anti-virus software and even applications that can track and lock computer systems and mobile devices that may be in use off-site can all be important resources. Businesses and organisations that lack the resources and security solutions that could make the biggest difference may quickly find efforts to secure their data or protect their network to be a much bigger challenge as a result. Finding and investing in applications, equipment, cyber security consultants and any other resources that may allow for a more safe and secure digital working environment to be be created is never a concern that should be left up to chance.

Professional Assistance and Service Solutions

IT service providers and other professionals who possess the right skills and background can often provide the assistance and guidance that businesses may require in order to identify and resolve any underlying issues or concerns. Lacking an IT security staff or relying on an in-house professional who may not possess the more complete understanding of digital security concerns that may be needed is a very common liability, one that could end up costing businesses far more than they might realise. A lack of professional expertise can be a substantial cyber security risk, one that should be addressed as quickly as possible.

Addressing Issues With Mobile Devices

For countless professionals, mobile devices are fast becoming an indispensable resource. Losing or misplacing a smartphone, tablet or other device that may have access to a digital network or that may contain sensitive files, data or information can easily lead to a data breach. Unsecured mobile devices can pose one of the biggest, most serious and most frequently overlooked risks to digital security. Investing in the devices or digital applications that may be needed in order to enhance security levels is no longer a consideration that businesses can afford to take lightly.

Implementing Effective Security Policies

Policies that govern the habits of users or that define the essential aspects of any number of operational processes are other concern that may warrant further attention. From password policies to rules governing the use of any system or device attached to the network, establishing the right policies or updating those that may have fallen behind the times can allow businesses to address and resolve numerous security risks and threats. Ineffective policies and businesses that lack a cohesive and concise set of rules pertaining to user habits is a risk that businesses would do well to address.

Addressing Future Concerns

Just because a security policy may be effective for preventing today’s digital threats does not always mean it will continue to do so in the future. While certain security issues, such as poor user habits or lax security policies are unlikely to change, other concerns like updating training and education efforts or assessing the current state of security software may need to be updated. Businesses that fail to assess the effectiveness of their current efforts and those that may have a poor understanding of new technology and trends that may pose a potential threat could be placing themselves at a real disadvantage.

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  • Bloom Nepro
  • YPO
  • Crown Commerical Service
  • Disability Confident
  • ISO 9001
  • Armed Force Covenant
  • Cyber Essentials Plus
  • ISO 27001





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