Women in cyber security are rapidly catching up with men with regards to engineering, computer science, and academics, and have more advanced degrees percentage wise, according to a new report.
Women still have ground to make up in the workforce, yet the report shows that they have the talent required to make a mark on the industry.
Cyber security professionals are much sought after in the current climate but the report, which was released by (ISC)², an information security exam body, shows that although women have made up only around 10% of cyber security professionals in the last few years, there have been changes. They are making up ground in engineering, computer science, and academically, as well as having a higher percentage of advanced degree courses.
Chief executive David Shearer, chief executive of (ISC)² said:
“The information security field is expected to see a deficit of 1.5 million professionals by 2020 if we don’t take proactive measures to close the gap.”
“Knowing this, it is rather frustrating to realise that we do not have more women working in the industry. Only 10% of information security professionals are women, and that needs to change.”
The bottom line is that SMEs in the UK need to make cyber security jobs available to anyone capable of maintaining the safety and integrity of their data, and with the signs that women are more than capable of filling these roles, we will likely soon see more equality in the cyber sector.
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