Security professionals failing to update skills, says report

New research has shown that while professionals in the IT security arena would like bosses to increase their spending on new tech, companies are failing to boost the skills of their existing workforce.

In the study, the Ponemon Institute – together with security software firm Websense – surveyed close to 5,000 experienced IT security professionals worldwide and uncovered a plethora of issues.

John McCormack, Websense’s CEO, said in his press statement:

“This Ponemon Institute security survey highlights that a lack of communication, education and inadequate security systems is making it possible for cyber-criminals to attack organisations across the globe.”

Speaking further, he said it is not a great shock that a number of security professionals have expressed dissatisfaction with the protection levels of their existing solutions.

The results of the survey showed that about 29 percent of professionals in the industry would give their current security system a blanket overhaul if the opportunity to do so existed and the resources were available. Further, just 38 percent of the study’s participants thought that their businesses were making sufficient investments in technology and personnel.

By failing to invest in updating the skills of their security staff, business owners are giving the winning hand to cyber criminals, who are constantly looking for new ways to take advantage of vulnerable systems. Updating the skills of a workforce or opening up cyber security jobs would alleviate the disadvantage these businesses are currently experiencing.

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