Insider threats identified in all customer environments

Insider threats identified in all customer environments

Insiders are a great risk to company data, seeing as they are trusted with sensitive information, but they are often undetected. The latest Imperva Hacker Intelligence Initiative Report, ‘Insiders: The Threat is Already Within’, found that 100% of customer environments contained insider threats.

These insider threats were categorised as compromised insiders, negligent and careless insiders, and malicious insiders. The security currently implemented did not find any threat incidents, despite the fact that the security infrastructure seemed appropriate.

In the majority of cases, insiders took more advantage of trusted access to data than attempts to directly hack file shares and databases.

Behaviour analytics and deception technology has resulted in more insider threats being recognised. Deception technology provided value in the study through uncovering anomalies that indicated compromised user credentials and end points. Machine learning assessed detailed data activity evaluated by insiders.

Imperva CTO and co-founder, Amichai Shulman, said:

“Just finding anomalies in user behaviour will not solve the insider threat problem. Enterprises need to have granular visibility into which users are accessing data, and more importantly, the actual queries and data accessed by each user. This deep level of insight proved critical to separating actual incidents from anomalies.”

It is difficult for companies to deal with such threats when their security infrastructure is solid, but systems are only as effective as the personnel assigned to deal with them. UK firms would be wise to offer cyber security jobs to the new breed of cyber crime fighters trained in identifying all kinds of threat, including those coming from the inside.

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