Highlighting the increasing mobile malware threat, it has been found by security researchers that Russian cyber criminals are employing the iBanking Android Trojan. The malware is considered to be of commercial standard, and among the more expensive underground pieces.
GFF, responsible for the creation of iBanking, is selling access to the destructive software for close to £3,000, as reported by researchers from Symantec in a blog post.
iBanking, which made its first appearance last summer, began as a basic SMS stealer, but is now a more complex Android Trojan, says Symantec. It employs social engineering in a bid to manipulate people into downloading it onto mobile devices. It is then able to obtain banking passwords that have been sent by SMS.
The researchers said that iBanking is able to be configured in such a way that it appears to be official software coming from a number of social networks and banks.
They warned that the malware creators are still adding to its premium package, now capable of stealing phone location and ID data, and receiving voice calls and text messages.
GFF has claimed that a version compatible with Blackberry is being developed, although it is yet to go on sale, according to Symantec.
It is important for businesses as well as individuals to be aware of mobile security threats, as any customer data that is passed through mobile devices must be kept secure. They may well need to post information security jobs in order to have the in-house skills necessary to combat such threats.
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