Hollywood star to glamourise cyber security

Hollywood star to glamourise cyber security

Academy award winner Kevin Spacey’s next role will be that of ambassador of cyber firm WISeKey Security.

WISeKey has expressed its pleasure at having the movie legend on board. The company believes that hiring him to play the role will increase awareness of internet security.

Spacey announced the move on Twitter. WISeKey took a more traditional route by way of a press release. The firm said that it believes Spacey’s effect on cyber awareness will be immediate.

Spacey introduces himself in the film by saying:

“I have always been fascinated by the complex and crucial world of technology and security. WISeKey’s grasp of the challenges and the potential of this space have greatly impressed me as they have developed a range of products and services that are leading the field.”

WISeKey CEO and founder Carlos Moreira said that Spacey will increase global awareness of the role of cyber security. Moreira added that Spacey is fascinated by technology and has interesting views on cyber issues.

Spacey has appeared in high-profile movies such as ‘The Usual Suspects’ and ‘Superman Returns’, and perhaps the film for which he is best known is ‘American Beauty’.

The move by WISeKey is an indication of how far firms are willing to go to make people aware of cyber security and just how important it is in today’s technology-led world. The ideal outcome would be that both consumers and businesses will sit up and take notice, with the latter making more cyber security jobs available to trained personnel and improving their cyber defence in the process.

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