Cyber treaty between Russia and China raises eyebrows

Cyber treaty between Russia and China raises eyebrows

Cyber experts in the West are pondering the effects of a Chinese and Russian collaboration in a new cyber security treaty set to be made official this month.

The news of the pending agreement comes at  a time when the US and China are experiencing a poor relationship with regards to cyber concerns, due to the West making numerous complaints about being targeted by state-supported cyber attacks from China.

Industry experts, however, are waiting to see whether or not  the new collaboration will be a force for good or evil.

Speaking to, David Lacey, an information security author and researcher, explained that if two intelligent and resourceful countries joined forces to attack, the effects could be catastrophic. On the flip side, he added if they worked together in defending one another, the move would be highly effective in combatting security threats.

However, he also chose to question the decision to declare the decision publicly, commenting:

“It’s good to see people talking together but one is always suspicious about public statements. Why do they need to publicise it – is it a threat? Is it reassurance? Public pronouncements like this are probably for presentation purposes. It’s very hard to know how much of this is real.”

What this shouldn’t affect is how businesses in the West approach cyber security at the SME level. The threats that have been made in recent years have proven to be very real, and there still needs to be vigilance shown by any firm that records important data. More cyber security jobs need to be opened and filled in order for prevention measures to match the nature of attacks.

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