Cyber crime on the rise, says Met police

Cyber crime on the rise, says Met police

The head of the Falcon group arm of the Metropolitan Police, Jayne Snelgrove, has said she believes that it is only possible to combat cyber crime by having the appropriate skills and a positive attitude towards teamwork.

In her speech, which she  delivered at Westminster’s Cyber Security Summit, Snelgrove agreed with a number of bosses at the Met Police that tackling cyber crime is difficult for the force, which is more accustomed to conventional policing methods. She started her speech by saying that she was still unsure how to deal with cyber crime, having only begun her spell in the field at the start of the year.

The Falcon group was formed in August in a bid to combat a rising number of online theft and fraud incidents.

Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe, the commissioner, said when the group was launched:

“Falcon will see the Met have the best and, I believe, largest cyber-crime and fraud team in Europe, with up to 500 specialist officers dedicated to tackling this crime. The team currently comprises 300 officers, including those based at head office covering complex cyber-frauds and proactively targeting serious cyber-crime gangs.”

Falcon’s Snelgrove has clearly come to recognise the importance and the effort required in tackling cyber crime. Businesses also need to shore up their cyber defence practices if they wish to avoid their systems being compromised. The best measure they can take is to reassess their IT security recruitment policies and evaluate for themselves whether they are doing enough.

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