Australian government makes stand against IT security breaches

Australian government makes stand against IT security breaches

A recent private-public industry event has highlighted the emphasis that the government in Australia places on improving IT security defence.

Deloitte Australia hosted a roundtable event in conjunction with the prime minister’s secretary, Christian Porter, with the release of the latest government IT security strategy just around the corner. Attendees of the event were told that 92% of cyber breaches are committed by outsiders.

Deloitte said that 55% of the outsiders belong to organised crime groups, 21% are state affiliate cyber criminals, 3% are activists, and 1% are ex-employees. Only 14% of security breaches are committed by insiders, and 75% are committed by stolen access or weak credentials.

The roundtable emphasised such areas as the country’s increasing deficit in IT security skills.

Porter released a statement at cyber security summit that took place in July, in which he said:

“Business leaders told us they wanted national leadership and a co-ordinated (sic) approach to address cyber security threats.”

He added that the roundtable event was the beginning of a new era of collaboration between research, business, and government interests to facilitate faster response times to issues.

Cyber security is topical, not just in Australia, but throughout the world. The UK government needs to continue to do all it can to combat the issue and educate businesses on the need to post and fill cyber security jobs, thus minimising breaches.

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