8 skills needed to be a cyber security expert: Clear communication

If you’re interested in the cyber security wold, you will already know that there are a lot of technical terms and complex ideas involved in the work of a cyber security experts, which means that the ability to communicate clearly is absolutely vital for anyone who wants to work in the industry.

When you are dealing with an imminent threat to security, you cannot afford to waste a single second before acting, but if you are unable to effectively communicate the problem or your ideas on how to fix it, with the people around you, this will cause a delay, which could be enough to let the hackers win.

This is something that definitely needs to be avoided, and there are some fairly simple techniques that can help you. Here are a number of things you can do to ensure you always communicate clearly:


If you know all of the terms associated with the cyber security industry and what they mean, you will be able to communicate them clearly and effectively to other cyber security experts and non-experts like.

Improve your confidence and assertiveness

If you want to communicate clearly, you need to have the confidence in your own ideas and the ability to assert them. Taking acting classes or engaging in public speaking can really help you with this.

Active listening

Communication is a two-way street. If you truly listen to what a person is saying, you will take on board what they are saying and this will help you to answer the question being asked properly and fully. It will also enable you to consider other ideas, which could be as good as or better than yours. As full of great ideas as cyber security experts are, it’s vital not to get bogged down with an idea that may not be the best or most efficient.

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