Cyber security gets boost from European fund

Cyber security gets boost from European fund

C5 Capital has decided to launch what is thought to be the first cyber security venture fund in Europe.

As reported by the Financial Times, the London based firm is looking to raise £74m for a fund designed to help cyber security firms, and it is believed to be not far away from launching the first round. C5 aims to meet its ultimate target in 2015.

The asset management firm has already made two investments, including ploughing £5m into Luxemburg-based firm Balabit, which focuses on the detection of insider threats. It achieves this by employing technology to look for regular and irregular behavioural patterns, with algorithms designed to identify any unusual activity.

A C5 Capita spokesperson talked to, and said that capital investments totaling £3m to £15m are being invested into rapidly growing, profit-making companies in the sector. One stipulating matter for the firms is that they need to have a base-line revenue of at least £6m.

The spokesperson added:

“Growth is key so these companies must be growing at least at 20 percent per annum and with barriers to entry such as differentiated technology and IP.”

Any firm fortunate enough to be in receipt of funding should consider their personnel first and foremost. Having an exciting technology offering is of no use if there is nobody on the team who can quickly bring it to market, position the technology, and deliver solutions effectively to end users. Investing in information security recruitment would certainly be a wise move for companies looking to make staff their priority.

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