8 skills needed to be a cyber security expert: A passion for the cyber world

So you think you would like to try and make it as a cyber security expert, but you are unsure whether you are cut out for the job and you don’t know where to start?

The very fact that you’re even thinking about becoming a cyber security expert bodes well for you, because the one skill that you absolutely cannot get by as a cyber security expert without is a passion for the sector.

If you lack a passion for something, it goes without saying that you may find it difficult to study, getting bored very quickly and losing the will to keep learning, which is why it’s vital that you have a real and deep interest in all things cyberspace related if you want to succeed and get ahead.

Keeping abreast

Since things in the world of cyber security move so quickly, you will absolutely need to keep yourself informed of the latest goings on. You cannot simply read a few books, study for a period, pass your certification and then rest on your laurels; you must live and breathe cyber security every day of your career if you want to be taken seriously and get the best jobs.


Of course, it is possible to be a cyber security expert who excel in a certain field, so if there is some aspect of cyber security that appeals to you less, there is scope to cut it from your life, at least in the main part, by choosing a field you are truly passionate about and offering your services in that area primarily. It doesn’t have to be an all or nothing thing.

All in all, if you have a sincere interest in cyber security and this is enough for you to dedicate your time to the study of the field, you’re off to a solid start.

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  • REC Member
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  • Bloom Nepro
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  • Crown Commerical Service
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  • ISO 9001
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  • Cyber Essentials Plus
  • ISO 27001





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